Dear friends and supporters,
So far, 2018 has been an eventful year for us! I’d love to take the time to update you on our plans and what’s happening right now!
First of all… We are taking a big step #INTOTHEUNKNOWN and going to Edinburgh this August! Hack Ballet will present 15 performances of Elicitations, a triple bill comprising To the Edge, Argil and Grace, at Greenside’s Jade Studio from Aug 3rd – 11th and 13th – 18th. We are also partnering with @TheatreBench and our sister company @LesOdalisques to produce Full Throttle, a fun and frivolous frolic behind-the-scenes look at a ballet company with a difference, which is on at Underbelly Cowgate from 14th – 19th August.
We would love you to get involved in helping take the company ON TOUR so we are taking requests right now for rewards you might like to see us offer if you become a contributor to our tour fund! We are taking a creative approach to fundraising to ensure that you, our community, feel you are being represented, and are getting amazing value from being part of our creative community. We in the Hack Ballet world come from far and wide, and sometimes feel a little disconnected from each other and what’s happening all around us, and that is what our team want to work hard to change. The power of live dance is that… it’s live… IRL! That connection is what draws us toGet in touchgether across borders, cities and skins to create powerful artistic lives which reach deeply into our authentic selves. Dance crosses the boundaries that sometimes separate us from each other, and from what we truly want and need to become.
On a personal note from me: On 11th May I experienced a very frightening change in my health. I have had low back pain for many years, a common condition which affects me and many others. However, what was, until then, a chronic niggle that I managed with regular exercise, suddenly deteriorated, and I lost sensation in part of one leg. On 12th June this worsened again and I underwent emergency surgery on 15th June.
For the last couple of weeks I have been recovering at home and using my broad knowledge of strength and conditioning, ballet, pilates, gymnastics and sports therapy to manage my rehabilitation programme. I would like to thank those of you who have reached out to let me know you are thinking of me during this challenging time. I really appreciated your thoughts! I am vlogging about my recovery on my YouTube channel and on Instagram, so please go there if you are curious to watch the progress of my beloved gastrconemius as she fights for her right to party on the back of my leg!
One thing that has really helped me has been my commitment to growing Hack Ballet and to creating more spaces for creative, inclusive dance practice both in London and further afield. I’ve been buoyed up by an “ability not disability” attitude which has helped me maintain a positive trajectory with my care plan and rehab. I’d love to hear from you: have you been through a traumatic health emergency at some point in your history? What helped you stay positive and work through the inevitable setbacks, disappointments and uncertainty you faced? Further, do you know anyone who has experienced a serious back injury and undergone surgical intervention? I’m keen to hear about others’ experiences with the health care system in order to inform my advocacy for a better approach to preventative intervention and the availability of support services to patients undergoing life changing health events.
Friday class is back on for the next THREE weeks (6th, 13th, 20th July) and from September we will be offering a yearly membership with access to all of our classes and workshops! Get in touch if you want to find out more about our London classes. We are booking workshops associated with the Elicitations tour.
Thanks so much for your love and support and we look forward to seeing you at a class or performance very soon!
Much love,
Briar Adams
Artistic Director, Hack Ballet