HackBallet Health and Safety and Dancer Wellbeing Policy Statement
HackBallet is committed to achieving high standards of health, safety and welfare.
Our policy is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of all workers, audience members, students, members of the public, and any other people who may be directly affected by HackBallet activities.
In particular, HackBallet aims to:
▪ Be compliant with all relevant statutory requirements and approved codes of practice, maintaining best practice in relation to health, safety and welfare at work
▪ Involve staff in health, safety and welfare issues through consultation and co-operation, and encourage safety awareness amongst all staff.
▪ Maintain a safe and healthy work place, with safe access and egress, safe plant and equipment, and safe systems of work.
▪ Provide workers with the information, instruction, training and supervision they need to work safely.
▪ Ensure staff understand that they have legal and moral obligations, both to themselves, and to one another, to work safely and take all reasonable care.
▪ Ensure this policy is understood and implemented throughout the organisation, and that staff are encouraged to co-operate in all matters of safety.
▪ Ensure the arrangements to be CoVID Secure are implemented and understood throughout the organisation.
▪ Identify hazards and conduct risk assessments wherever appropriate in order to minimise risk for all activities.
▪ Ensure control measures and emergency procedures are in place, and that they are effective and regularly monitored.
▪ Promote industry and health science best practice with regard to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for individuals
▪ Promote dance and sports science best practice with regard to healthy approaches to physical exercise and dance specific training
▪ Maintain a Safe Space at all HackBallet activities and take action to ensure that all workers, audience members, students, members of the public and other people who may be directly affected by our activities are protected from all forms of harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment and bullying.
▪ Regularly review all procedures and systems of work for compliance with the policy and the management system that support it.
The policy will be subject to review whenever there is a review of legislation or a substantive organisational or environmental change that impacts the work and activities of HackBallet.
If you have questions or concerns about Health and Safety please direct your enquiry to safety@hackballet.com
External References:
One Dance UK Healthier Dancer Programme – Industry Standards (link opens the One Dance UK website resources page which provides guidance on Industry standards for Healthier Dancers)
One Dance UK Healthier Dancer Programme – The Australian Ballet Injury Management and Prevention Programme (link opens a pdf of the Australian Ballet Injury Management and Prevention Programme hosted on the One Dance UK page)
Equity UK Safe Spaces Campaign (link opens the Equity UK Safe Spaces page)